Watchmen on the Wall Men's Ministry!


Watchmen on the Wall Men Ministry was established to empower men to assume their spiritual role of leadership beginning at home, then in the local church, then into the workplace and the community.   Accomplishing this by developing a true intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and the sharing our faith throughout the community.

Foundational Scripture:  

Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

The Mission:

   * Encourage daily personal bible reading and study
   * Encourage the practice of biblical principles in standards of living.
   * Teach/Renew the understanding of God’s ordained purpose for man.
   * Provide man-to-man mentorship for greater accountability.
   * Provide training in decision management.
   * Increase man’s awareness of his role as: Father, Husband, Provided and Protector.
   * Teach men to develop an effective prayer life
   * Provide understanding and training how to become responsible stewards
   * Help develop a strategic plan for his family’s future.
   * Empower men in personal witnessing

W.O.W will provide opportunities for men to gather together in fellowship, worship and service.  We are passionate about leading men in their continued spiritual growth.  We encourage men from all walks of life to check a ministry where men can get a true understanding of what it means to be a “real man or a Man of God”.rFor more information please contact